Monday, 7 July 2014

D2O as "ECBC Empenelled Architect Firm"

The World is moving towards the "Energy Efficient Environment". As we all know the buildings whether it be industry, institute, hospital, malls, schools or residential buildings, every structure is the guzzler of the "Energy and Electricity". India is also experiencing fast income growth and urbanization, and this leads to unprecedented increases in demand for building energy services and resulting energy consumption. To promote energy efficiency in the building sector Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) was launched by Ministry of Power , Government of India in May 2007.

What is ECBC?

The Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) was launched by the Govt. of India on 27th May 2007. The ECBC sets minimum energy standards for new commercial buildings having a connected load of 100 kW or contract demand of 120 KVA in terms of the amended EC-Act, 2001. The ECBC defines norms of energy performance and takes into consideration the climatic regions of the country where the building is located. Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) addresses the five climatic zones of the country (hot & dry, warm & humid, composite, temperate and cold). The major components of the building which are being addressed through the code are Envelope (walls, roofs, windows), Lighting systems, HVAC System, Water heating and pumping system, Electrical distribution system.

Implementation of Code?

In order to ensure administration of ECBC implementation in a uniform and consistent manner all over the country, the BEE has set up a ECBC Programme Committee (EPC) by pooling in the expertise of all stake holders, including State Designated Agencies, Industry etc. This committee facilitates the development of ECBC compliant building design, credible implementation of a few demonstration projects in the public sector, making arrangements for evaluation of the progress and outcomes by creating appropriate institutional mechanism.

ECBC has been revised incorporating the comments received from stakeholders and organizations like CPWD, MES etc. Rajasthan is the first state in India to adopt ECBC as a mandatory code. The State adopted ECBC with minor additions on March 28, 2011 through a stakeholder process; it became mandatory in Rajasthan on September 28, 2011. According to the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), 16 Indian States are now in various stages of ECBC implementation and adoption, and these also include Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Kerala, Punjab, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, and West Bengal. 

Empanelment of D2O!!

With a view to build adequate technical capacity and develop building procedures and tools to effectively implement ECBC - a panel of 45 ECBC expert architects have been empanelled. Through these empanelled architects assistance is being provided to various Central/State Governments and public sector organizations in developing ECBC compliant buildings. 

Taking a step forward the company has shown its capabilities to get registered with BEE as the "ECBC Empaneled Architect Firm". We have been working closely with BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) for star rating of buildings or as ECBC trainers for BEE. Now we are one of the "Empenelled Architect firm" in India and first in Rajasthan State.

As an Empenelled architect firm our responsibilities would be to make sure that the building design is as per the ECBC. We would be giving our inputs in the building design towards making the it ECBC complaint building and ultimately making it "Energy Efficient". 

Thanks to BEE and to all for your continues support for D2O!

We look forward to contribute more towards making the WORLD GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Building Energy Simulation Workshop - 13th & 14th June 2014

The scenario of energy consumption in India and across the globe is being changing over the years. Out of the total production of energy, 60% of the energy is consumed by buildings only. The shortage of energy to meet the demand in the buildings has ultimately resulted in load shedding, power cuts, hike in energy prices, extra power generation, comparatively more trees being cut, climate change and etc etc etc. The energy generation is in a way connected to the environmental and climate of the earth, and which we all can see and suffer with the results.
Keeping this in mind we opted for building energy simulation as a subject of this workshop and aim is to prepare and built the capacity in building energy simulation industry.
The Energy-modeling is method for estimating or predicting the building's energy consumption, utility bills and life cycle costs of various energy related items such as air conditioning, lights , pumps and service hot water etc. It is also used to evaluate the payback of green energy solutions or energy efficiency measures adopted to minimize the building consumption. To understand energy modeling, it's important to understand building simulation.
Building simulation is the process of using a software to build a virtual building. In general terms, the building is built from its component parts on a software and a simulation is performed by taking that building through the weather conditions of an entire year, depending upon the climatic zone. In a way, building simulation is a way to quantitatively estimate the future and thus has considerable value. Building simulation is commonly divided into two categories: Load Design, and Energy-Analysis. The common phrase for building simulation when energy is involved is building energy simulation.
The workshop is on 13th and 14th June, 2014. The agenda is for 2 days workshop. It will cover all starting from the basics of building, what is building, how it behaves in terms of energy, HVAC basics, different kind of system, modelling methodology, analysis of results, different rating systems, code compliance etc. the trainer is having expertise on many prestigious projects of green buildings and energy simulation. 

Register yourself!! Limited seats available!! Hurry!!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Water Saving Awareness

Water Saving Measures - Energy Saving Measures

In this Blog our team D2O ( Design to occupancy ) is focusing to give you all, some important aspects of water savings in buildings. Before getting into the specifics its very important to note that there is a  close relationship between water and energy- even when we are not talking about hot water. At a broader view we all know that water is very important to produce electricity.

With electricity generation, each kilowatt hour of electricity generated needs 2 gallons of water (7.6 litre a national average). This is mostly due the the evaporation of water at thermal power plants. Also evaporation of water at reservoirs in hydroelectric power plants. Also saving water ultimately leads to reduction in treatment of water which indirectly saves a lot more energy than we can think of.

Water Conservation

In this context our team of energy savers are here to help and trying to build one more energy saver in you by providing you the required knowledge about extremely important subject of the present era called "water saving" and many more information about different fields in future through our blog post.

Low Flow & Flush Fixtures

Our experts team always suggest to use low flow and flush fixture to save a lot more water and a lot more energy which directly and indirectly saves your money and also makes you a " Energy Saver" and a great person in the world who is directly and indirectly using the resources efficiently.

Low flow shower-heads
As of now you are on your way to be a "Energy Expert" like us, we suggest you to use low flow shower-heads in your new home, factory, office and any building and also if you are renovating your apartment etc.
The low flow shower heads are easily available in the market which is very useful in saving water. There are many incentives and standards by the government to use energy efficient and water efficient fixtures in your dream home and any building. 

Whenever we save water through these low flow faucets we directly using less hot water and hence our less energy. Indeed when we are replacing older high flow models to new low flow models, the payback often comes to be in months and even in some weeks instead of years. So be an "Energy Saver" and Save the mother Earth.

Low Flow Faucets

Interestingly the whole plumbing industry now move onto low flow faucets as the matter of fact that no one opens the full valve and ultimately saves a lot of water. Some of the low flow faucets are expensive as because of there design and technology incorporated, while most of them are not expensive and local vendors also provide you the low flow faucets. Our Experts team suggest you to use Low Flow Faucets from Local vendors keeping in my the growth of your country economy and also that are inexpensive and Leads to a Good "Energy Saver".

Low Flush Fixtures

As you are a  "Future Energy Expert" , we think that you might know what are the common ways to save water in toilets which ultimately going to be waste in the flush?

Use a Low flush fixture for you is must now as you are now one of the "Energy Saver",we also suggest you to use "Dual Flush Fixture" is very much useful when the water requirement in the flush is less during urinals. 

Water Efficient Washing Machine

Washing Machine or a Cloth washer is common now but how many of you have a efficient water saving Washing Machine??
Do you know how much gallons of water is going in wastage which needs to be treated later, leads to the consumption of lot more energy. 
Be a "Energy Expert" by knowing your machine, and if you are planning to buy a new washing machine we suggest you to follow some of the following measure to save a lot of water and energy.
  •  Use 5 Star Rated Washing Machine 
  •  Use low wastage automatic machine which optimize the water needs as the no. of clothes you are going to wash.
Fortunately, with nearly every manufacturer offering such models, Its very easy to find a energy efficient and water efficient model with the specifics you want.

So, We should all focus on these small measures to Save Water- Save Energy- Save Future!

Stay Tuned !

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Welcome all in D2O world of Energy!!

Hello Everybody.

We are Team D2O, that is "Design to Occupancy".

We are a consulting organization based out in India. Our domain of expertise includes cradle to cradle Green Building Services & Energy Simulation for LEED, GRIHA, EPACT 179D, Local Law87, ESTIDAMA and other Code compliance. We are experts in Green buildings consultancy in terms of designs, simulations (Energy, Daylight, Lighting pollution analysis etc), facilitation, review and each and every respect. We (our managing partner) are one of the ECBC trainers in INDIA currently. 

We have hands on experience on various energy and daylight analysis tools like eQuest, IES <VE>, Ecotect, Radiance, Energy Plus, DIALux, Design Builder, Revit, Autocad, Fluent/gambit and BIM modeling also and many more.

We have vast experience in Energy management consultancy, Energy audits, Building commissioning, Electrical safety audits, Fire safety audits, Emergency preparedness audits in factories especially.

We have a rich portfolio in allied simulation services like CFD analysis, thermal modeling and traffic modeling, design services (Rain water harvesting, hybrid renewable system design (Solar PV, Wind), sustainability reporting, and IAQ consulting. We also work on specific software solutions and data analyses problems as the need may arise. 

Also we work for Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing/Fire fighting design projects for residential, commercial and hospitality projects in India. 

After having a foothold in various energy efficiency related jobs, D2O has now taken an initiative for the "Energy Efficiency Awareness Campaign" for the students (architects and engineers), professionals like facility managers, chief engineers etc. 

Under this campaign the moto of D2O is to aware students about HVAC Industry and Energy Efficiency in buildings. To facilitate the professional architects and engineers about the new tools which might be useful for them in current scenario of demand for energy analysts. 

So this blog "D2O-Green" will keep you update about latest trends in market in energy sector. We will post useful stuff for the preparation of many credentials like IGBC AP, LEED AP, GRIHA Trainer and Evaluator, ECBC Trainer, ESTIDAMA and many more other.

We also going to conduct class room sessions for the energy simulation and daylight simulation for LEED & GRIHA compliance in the buildings. This will mainly focused on students of architecture and engineering. The professionals may also get benefited with this. We will update you time to time.

Looking forward!

Lets make the world Greener!!

Akash Vajpai.
Head - MEP, CFD & Energy Education Division